Me, the brand
I just got a shipment today of beautiful thick cardstock business cards from Moo! They’re beautiful and have such a satisfying tangibility to them.

I ordered the Luxe Moo size cards. What luscious packaging!
I discovered partway through my career just how simple it is to get your own business cards, even if you don’t run your own business or have nothing to advertise. I think I’ve only ever had two times where I thought having cards was super handy: one was when I gave my now-fiancé my business card because I just didn’t think he was going to figure out anytime soon how to ask me out; the other was at a massive conference where I needed to make a lot of vendor connections.

Having an assorted rainbow on the back is fun mainly for me when I have a stack of these together.
I hate to think that it’s generally not very environmentally friendly to hand out cards, especially at large conferences/events where there’s a TON of paper used at those sorts of things where they immediately become non-recycled waste. I tried to look for alternatives, but apps in general were kind of terrible.
However, there was a pretty cool contact info exchange app that existed a number of years ago called Bump that was incredibly convenient — you would switch it on, and with smartphone in hand, fist bump someone else who has the app to exchange information. It eventually got shut down, and while it seemed like a great idea at the time, I realized nothing was quite as simple and straightforward as handing someone your card.

Now you know who I am. Dat thicc cardstock tho.
I got these because Moo was having a sale (yes, I admit I *only* ever sign up for discount newsletters to wait for the best deal for everything), and I was stuck trying to figure out the design.
After some consideration, I figured the cleanest and simplest format works best. Why would anyone even need my phone number? I barely talk to people I am closest with on the phone, let alone new acquaintances. I have so many different social apps that there’s no need for a phone number to reach me anymore. The most I ever talk on the phone tends to be with complete strangers for things like making restaurant reservations or some such.
A business card is like the physical manifestation of your ego. You want to display it proudly, and wield it to get attention from others.
And if that’s true, my ego appears to be smaller than average and artificially simple. What a humble little thing. I hope these things don’t get lost in too many pockets in due time.